[URGENT] Scriptcase 9.4.003 update is BROKEN

Sorry for writing in English, but on the english forums it takes forever to get an answer!

I just updated after being prompted to do so, Scriptcase to the latest 9.4.003 version and now our whole project is broken.

After 30min analyzing everything, the first thing I noticed is that ALL the CSS where the selector was " #idName ", are broken.

Apparently Scriptcase doesn’t recognize ID selectors anymore.

As soon as I change the selector from #idName to .div#idName , it starts working again.

This is a major issue, as we have thousands of lines of CSS using ID’s in our 110 apps project.

Then other bugs are happening, like “TABS” have stopped working, you click on a tab and it doesn’t switch to it (yesterday with the previous version of SC everything was working as intended)

Please look into this ASAP and can someone explain to me how can I go back to the previous version??

Hi, maybe your problem is related to application themes, select a new theme for your application, generate and run, possibly it will work.

1 Curtida

Really. The Brazilian forum is a reference in Scriptcase and other Frameworks.

We have not detected this issue that you report here.

Please email us at bugs@scriptcase.com so Netmake support staff may be able to help you.

I do not know if I understand. Did you customize the applications css? And have these customizations stopped working in Scriptcase version 9.4.003?

1 Curtida

No, selecting a new theme and generating the app again didn’t solve anything

I will send an email, and for your question,

yes, we customize heavily all ours applications,

2 days ago we did a deploy on the previous Scriptcase version, and everything is perfect, then this morning I updated to 9.4.003, and as soon as I run the project, I saw that everything was broken.

here an image, on the left side there is our Deployed version which is currently live, and on the right side how it looks after the new update (I censored our client list for privacy reason) !

You can see that the main grid is missing all the css rules (box-shadow and so on). The Menu on the left side was also broken, but I fixed that quickly by not using an ID selector but a Class selector like I mentioned in my initial post here.

Nohing was changed on the project since our last deploy on the previous Scriptcase version, so the only change was to update Scriptcase this morning!

We put the CSS in Events -> onScriptInit, and for example, the box-shadow you see in the Deployed version of the image I provided, is given by this rule:

	#sc_grid_body > .scGridTabela {
		box-shadow: 0px 1px 7px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
		border: 1px solid #c7c7c7;

This was working before the update, now it only works if I change from #sc_grid_body to .scGridTabelaTd#sc_grid_body

Another solution we find that fixes the issue is, to remove ALL the css from onScriptInit event, and put it in a css file loaded in “External library”, and then load the external library in the application event.

But all these “solutions” would require hours of work, as our project has more than 100 apps in it, and as you can see from my pictures, it’s heavily customized

I tried dowgrading from scriptcase 9,4,003 to 001 but it didn’t work!

You could have used the native CSS editor in the menu is ‘cinch’ to learn,
would be personalized it is much more practical to select multiple applications
and apply the theme with the Express Tool than keep changing application
per application.

1 Curtida

we use that as well, we have multiple themes for different set of applications! But for a lot of things, the theme customization is not enough, especially for conditional styling (for example, in all our forms, when a field value is changed, we highlight the field label and change the color of the save button, so the user can see visually what fields did he change).

Another issue that we have now after the update, are the “Tabs”, we have a Form with master/detail Tabs, and suddenly after the update, when you click on a Tab, it opens the content of multiple tabs in that frame, so they are loaded below the other . In the screenshot above, it’s from the Deployed version so it works, but locally, all the 3 tabs you see, are loaded in the first tab, so we see the content of each tab all together…

I downloaded the Scriptcase 9.4.001, to try and downgrade, but after changing the files in the installation folder, nothing changed, I’m still on 9.4.003

This kind of customization is very risky indeed. The documentation does not guide this type of customization.

Generally we always make use of the css class and applying the! IMPORTANT option to css.

#sc_grid_body {
box-shadow: 0px 1px 7px 3px rgba (0,0,0,0.2)! IMPORTANT;
border: 1px solid # c7c7c7! IMPORTANT;

But if you always risk Netmake changing the id value of the selectors.

1 Curtida

We also tried with !important, nothing would change!

I know there is a risk that they change the VALUE of stuff, but that would be a pretty easy fix, the issue now is that the ID selectors won’t work if put directly in the events, what works is, creating an external css file and using it as external library.

For now we solved this big issue by exporting all of our CSS inside the event, to an external file, and so far it’s working!

1 Curtida