Estou precisando imprimir valor por extenso, mas em “english”.
alguem ja usou em scriptcase?
Estou precisando imprimir valor por extenso, mas em “english”.
alguem ja usou em scriptcase?
Podem usar…
Penso que é só traduzir
Obrigado pela dica !!!
encontrei uma outra tbm…
eu achava que no proprio scriptcase seria automatico ao colocar o extenso no formato “es”
segue a funcao p/ quem precisar:
$ZERO = 'zero';
$MINUS = 'minus';
$lowName = array(
/* zero is shown as "" since it is never used in combined forms */
/* 0 .. 19 */
"", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five",
"six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten",
"eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen",
"sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen");
$tys = array(
/* 0, 10, 20, 30 ... 90 */
"", "", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty",
"sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety");
$groupName = array(
/* We only need up to a quintillion, since a long is about 9 * 10 ^ 18 */
/* American: unit, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillion, quintillion */
"", "hundred", "thousand", "million", "billion",
"trillion", "quadrillion", "quintillion");
$divisor = array(
/* How many of this group is needed to form one of the succeeding group. */
/* American: unit, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillion, quintillion */
100, 10, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000) ;
$num = str_replace(",","",$num);
$num = number_format($num,2,'.','');
$cents = substr($num,strlen($num)-2,strlen($num)-1);
$num = (int)$num;
$s = "";
if ( $num == 0 ) $s = $ZERO;
$negative = ($num < 0 );
if ( $negative ) $num = -$num;
// Work least significant digit to most, right to left.
// until high order part is all 0s.
for ( $i=0; $num>0; $i++ ) {
$remdr = (int)($num % $divisor[$i]);
$num = $num / $divisor[$i];
// check for 1100 .. 1999, 2100..2999, ... 5200..5999
// but not 1000..1099, 2000..2099, ...
// Special case written as fifty-nine hundred.
// e.g. thousands digit is 1..5 and hundreds digit is 1..9
// Only when no further higher order.
if ( $i == 1 /* doing hundreds */ && 1 <= $num && $num <= 5 ){
if ( $remdr > 0 ){
$remdr = ($num * 10);
$num = 0;
} // end if
} // end if
if ( $remdr == 0 ){
$t = "";
if ( $remdr < 20 ){
$t = $lowName[$remdr];
else if ( $remdr < 100 ){
$units = (int)$remdr % 10;
$tens = (int)$remdr / 10;
$t = $tys [$tens];
if ( $units != 0 ){
$t .= "-" . $lowName[$units];
}else {
$t = num2words($remdr, 0);
$s = $t." ".$groupName[$i]." ".$s;
$num = (int)$num;
} // end for
$s = trim($s);
if ( $negative ){
$s = $MINUS . " " . $s;
if ($c == 1) $s .= " and $cents/100";
return $s;