[RESOLVIDO] Validação em Calendário

Caro, boa tarde.
Tenho uma situação que gostaria de partilhar.
Numa aplicação calendário não tenho restrições para inserir novos eventos mas na atualização está restrita por determinadas circunstancias que devo validar.
O assunto é o seguinte. Eu consigo validar por “onBeforeUpdate“ sempre que atualizo pelo formulário próprio de calendário, agora quando altero o tempo do evento o mudo arrastando com o rato a data e hora o sistema atualiza de forma automática e não consigo validar.
Existe algum método ou evento de SC que me permita nesta aplicação validar dados quando altero calendário com o rato? Já seja em data ou hora.

This is the code I use to do it, the drag and drop are process in eventDrop

Be carefull this code is easy to break

Also check that all the parameter are meeting your requirement and set $idField to match the id you use in your calendar table


$sDateFormat = 'dddd' . '[' . ',' . ']' . ' MMM D' . '[' . ',' . ']' . ' YYYY';
if ([usr_langue] == 'fr;fr_ca;') {
	$sDateFormat = 'dddd' . '[' . ',' . ']' . ' D MMM YYYY';

$idField = 'calendarid';

window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
      height: ($( document ).height()-10),
      monthNames: ["<?php echo({lang_mnth_janu}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_mnth_febr}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_mnth_marc}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_mnth_apri}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_mnth_mayy}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_mnth_june}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_mnth_july}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_mnth_augu}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_mnth_sept}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_mnth_octo}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_mnth_nove}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_mnth_dece}); ?>"],
	  monthNamesShort: ["<?php echo({lang_shrt_mnth_janu}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_shrt_mnth_febr}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_shrt_mnth_marc}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_shrt_mnth_apri}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_shrt_mnth_mayy}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_shrt_mnth_june}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_shrt_mnth_july}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_shrt_mnth_augu}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_shrt_mnth_sept}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_shrt_mnth_octo}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_shrt_mnth_nove}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_shrt_mnth_dece}); ?>"],
      dayNames: ["<?php echo({lang_days_sund}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_days_mond}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_days_tued}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_days_wend}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_days_thud}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_days_frid}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_days_satd}); ?>"],
      dayNamesShort: ["<?php echo({lang_shrt_days_sund}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_shrt_days_mond}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_shrt_days_tued}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_shrt_days_wend}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_shrt_days_thud}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_shrt_days_frid}); ?>","<?php echo({lang_shrt_days_satd}); ?>"],
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        today: "<?php echo({lang_per_today}); ?>",
        month: "<?php echo({lang_srch_mnth}); ?>",
        week: "<?php echo({lang_per_week}); ?>",
        day: "<?php echo({lang_per_day}); ?>",
        agenda: "<?php echo({lang_calendar_agenda}); ?>",
        print: "<?php echo({lang_calendar_print}); ?>",
        listMonth: "<?php echo({lang_calendar_agenda}); ?>",
      views: {
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        week: {titleFormat: 'MMM D YYYY', columnFormat: 'ddd M/D', timeFormat: 'H:mm',slotLabelFormat: ['ddd M/D','H:mm'],},
        day: {titleFormat: '<?php echo($sDateFormat); ?>', columnFormat: 'dddd M/D', timeFormat: 'H:mm',slotLabelFormat: ['dddd M/D','H:mm'],},
      firstDay: 0,
      header: {
        left: 'prev,next today print',
        center: 'title',
        right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay,listMonth'
      customButtons: {
        goBack: {
          text: "<?php echo({lang_btns_back}); ?>",
          click: function() {
        print: {
          text: "<?php echo({lang_calendar_print}); ?>",
          click: function() {
      editable: true,
      slotDuration: "00:30:00",
      snapDuration: "00:15:00",
	  weekends: true,	
      nextDayThreshold: "00:00:00",
      eventStartEditable: true,
      allDaySlot: true,
      minTime: "07:00:00",
      noEventsMessage: "<?php echo({lang_calendar_no_events}); ?>",
      events: '<?php echo($this->Ini->nm_cod_apl); ?>.php?script_case_init=<?php echo($this->Ini->sc_page); ?>&nmgp_opcao=calendar_fetch' + getCategory(false),

		eventRender: function (event, element, view) {
        if(event.hasOwnProperty('description') && event.description != '')
            element.find('.fc-title').append('<div class="hr-line-solid-no-margin"></div><span style="font-size: 80%;">'+event.description+'</span></div>');
      dayClick: function(date, jsEvent, view) {
        var sDate = date.format(), sTime = '00:00:00', allDay = false;
        if (sDate.indexOf('T') > 0)
            dateParts = date.format().split('T');
            sDate = dateParts[0], sTime = dateParts[1];
        else if ('month' == view.type)
            sTime = '07:00:00';
            allDay = true;
        tb_show('', '<?php echo($this->Ini->nm_cod_apl); ?>.php?nmgp_opcao=edit_novo&sc_cal_click_date=' + sDate + '&sc_cal_click_time=' + sTime + '&sc_cal_click_allday=' + allDay + '&script_case_init=<?php echo $this->Ini->sc_page ?>&nmgp_outra_jan=true&nmgp_url_saida=modal&TB_iframe=true&modal=true&height=700&width=1400', '');

		eventClick: function(calEvent, jsEvent, view) {
        tb_show('', '<?php echo($this->Ini->nm_cod_apl); ?>.php?nmgp_opcao=igual_calendar&<?php echo($idField); ?>=' + calEvent.id + '&__orig_<?php echo($idField); ?>=' + calEvent.id + '&script_case_init=<?php echo $this->Ini->sc_page ?>&nmgp_outra_jan=true&nmgp_url_saida=modal&TB_iframe=true&modal=true&height=700&width=1400', '');

		eventDrop: function(event, delta, revertFunc) {

			if (test) {
             	   alert("<?php echo({lang_xxxxxxxxxx}); ?>");	
                    } else {

          url: '<?php echo($this->Ini->nm_cod_apl); ?>.php',
          type: 'POST',
          dataType: 'json',
          data: { 'script_case_init': '<?php echo $this->Ini->sc_page ?>', 'nmgp_opcao': 'calendar_drop', 'sc_event_id': event.id, 'sc_day_delta': delta._data.days, 'sc_time_delta': (delta._data.hours * 60) + delta._data.minutes, 'sc_all_day': event.allDay, 'sc_fullcal_start': (event._start && event._start._d ? event._start._d.toISOString() : ''), 'sc_fullcal_end': (event._end && event._end._d ? event._end._d.toISOString() : '') },
          originalEvent: event,
          success: function(data) {
            var bChanged = false;
            if (typeof data['status'] !== "undefined" && false == data['status']) {
            else {
              if (typeof data['backgroundColor'] !== "undefined" && '' != data['backgroundColor']) {
                if (this.originalEvent.backgroundColor != data['backgroundColor']) {
                  bChanged = true;
                this.originalEvent.backgroundColor = data['backgroundColor'];
              if (typeof data['borderColor'] !== "undefined" && '' != data['borderColor']) {
                if (this.originalEvent.borderColor != data['borderColor']) {
                  bChanged = true;
                this.originalEvent.borderColor = data['borderColor'];
              if (this.originalEvent.allDay || this.originalEvent.originalAllDay || bChanged) {
              else {
                $('#calendar').fullCalendar('updateEvent', this.originalEvent);
            if (typeof data['message'] !== "undefined" && '' != data['message']) {

		eventResize: function(event, delta, revertFunc) {

          '<?php echo($this->Ini->nm_cod_apl); ?>.php',
          { 'script_case_init': '<?php echo $this->Ini->sc_page ?>', 'nmgp_opcao': 'calendar_resize', 'sc_event_id': event.id, 'sc_day_delta': delta._data.days, 'sc_time_delta': (delta._data.hours * 60) + delta._data.minutes, 'sc_fullcal_start': (event._start && event._start._d ? event._start._d.toISOString() : ''), 'sc_fullcal_end': (event._end && event._end._d ? event._end._d.toISOString() : '') },
          function(data) {
            if (false == data['status']) {
            if (typeof data['message'] !== "undefined" && '' != data['message']) {
      defaultView: 'agendaWeek',

Obrigado Jean-Luc.
Como falas veio a complexidade deste código independentemente de que resolva o problema e também que se no futuro a Netmake muda o código gerado pode atrapalhar a situação.

Eu resolvi da seguinte forma:

  • No evento onCalendarScriptInit coloquei estas macro sc_btn_display(‘update’, ‘off’) e
    sc_btn_display(‘delete’, ‘off’); e desativei a opção de Drag and Drop, isto desativa no calendário as atualizações mas não no formulário que dispara na hora de fazer um click acima dum evento e aqui se posso validar todo.

De qualquer forma muito obrigado por ter uma resposta célere e eficaz também como sempre.