alguém tem um passo a passo ai pra eu atualizar o v6 para o V7, Tentei seguir os passos de um manual que peguei na netmake, porém nao consigo sair do lugar.
Dá uma mensagem de erro sobre o zend. Zend Guard Run-time support missing!
One more more files on this web site were encoded by ZendGuard and the required run-time support is not installed orproperly configured.
For the Web site user
This means that this Web server is not configured correctly to runthe files that it contains. Please contact the Web site’sadministrator/webmaster and inform them of this problem and give themthe URL you are trying to display to help them in diagnosing theproblem.
Se alguém puder me ajudar, agradeço.
Helder Leite