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<?php /****************************************************************************************************** LICENSE Copyright (C) 2006 Juan M. Hidalgo This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ****************************************************************************************************/ /** * Client Socket * * Simple socket class to connect with external sockets. * * @author Juan M. Hidalgo ( * @name ClientSocket * @version 0.1 * */ class ClientSocket{ /** * Socket Handle * @var Socket */ public $hnd; /** * List of Hosts * @var Array of String */ public $host; /** * List of ip to connect, if one fails try with others * @var array of string */ public $ip; /** * Port * @var int */ public $port; /** * Socket type. (SOCK_DGRAM | SOCK_RAW | SOCK_RDM | SOCK_SEQPACKET | SOCK_STREAM) * @var int */ public $type; /** * Socket Family (AF_INET|AF_INET6|AF_UNIX) * @var int */ public $family; /** * Socket protocol (SOL_SOCKET | SOL_TCP | SOL_UDP) * @var int */ public $protocol; /** * Socket connection state * @var bool */ public $bConnected; /** * Socket buffer * @var string */ public $sBuffer; /** * Read TimeOut (seconds) * @var int */ public $iReadTimeOut =2; /** * Write TimeOut (seconds) * @var int */ public $iWriteTimeOut = 2; /** * Determines if error must be shown * @var bool */ public $bShowErros = false; /** * Determines if Exception must be thrown * @var bool */ public $bExceptions = true; /** * Show errors if $bShowErrors is enabled * If $bExceptions, throws an exception, otherwise prints a message. * If $msg is not empty, show $msg; * * @param string $msg */ public public function error($msg=null){ if(!$this->bShowErros && !$this->bExceptions) return; $errCode = socket_last_error($this->hnd); if($errCode!=0){ //Connection reset by peer if($errCode==104) $this->bConnected = false; $errMsg = socket_strerror($errCode); if($this->bExceptions){ throw new Exception("Socket error. Code: $errCode - Message: $errMsg\n"); } else{ trigger_error("Socket Error. Code: $errCode - Message: $errMsg"); } socket_clear_error($this->hnd); }elseif (strlen($msg)){ if($this->bExceptions){ throw new Exception("Socket error." . $msg); } else{ trigger_error("$msg\n",E_USER_ERROR); } } } /** * Constructor * * @param int $family (AF_INET|AF_INET6|AF_UNIX) * @param int $type (SOCK_DGRAM | SOCK_RAW | SOCK_RDM | SOCK_SEQPACKET | SOCK_STREAM) * @param int $protocol (SOL_SOCKET | SOL_TCP | SOL_UDP) */ public public function __construct($family=AF_INET,$type=SOCK_STREAM ,$protocol=SOL_TCP){ $this->hnd = @socket_create($family,$type,$protocol); $this->error(); $this->family = $family; $this->typ = $type; $this->protocol = $protocol; $this->sBuffer = false; $this->port = null; $this->ip = null; $this->host = null; } /** * Sets a host and tries to resolve IP address. If Ip is valid adds it to List of ip * @param string $sHost */ public public function setHost($sHost){ if(!strlen($sHost)) return; $this->host[] = $sHost; $ip = gethostbyname($sHost); if($ip){ $this->ip[] = $ip; }else{ $this->error("Hostname $sHost could not be resolved"); } } /** * Sets Ip addres * @param string $sIp ( */ public public function setIp($sIp){ if(!strlen($sIp)) return; if(!ip2long($sIp)){ $this->error("Invalid IP ADDRESS. IP $sIp"); } $this->ip[] = $sIp; $this->host[] = gethostbyaddr($sIp); } /** * Set Host port * @param int $iPort */ public public function setPort($iPort){ $this->port = $iPort; } /** * Open socket connection * * @param string[optional] $sHost * @param int[optional] $iPort */ public public function open($sHost=null,$iPort=null){ if(strlen($sHost)){ $this->setHost($sHost); } if(strlen($iPort)){ $this->setPort($iPort); } $i = 0; do{ if(@socket_connect($this->hnd,$this->ip[$i],$this->port)){ $this->bConnected = true; } } while (!$this->bConnected && $i++ip)); if(!$this->bConnected) $this->error(); } /** * Connect with host (open alias) * * @param string[optional] $sHost * @param int[optional] $iPort */ public public function connect($sHost=null,$iPort=null){ return $this->open($sHost,$iPort); } /** * Close socket connection * */ public public function close(){ if(!$this->bConnected) return; @socket_shutdown($this->hnd,2); @socket_close($this->hnd); } /** * Close socket connection (close alias) * * @return void */ public public function disconnect(){ return $this->close(); } /** * Send data * If $sBuf is not empty try to send $sBuf, else try with $this->sBuffer * * @param string $sBuf * @param int $iTimeOut */ public public function send($sBuf,$iTimeOut=null){ if(!strlen($this->sBuffer) && !strlen($sBuf)) return; if(!$this->bConnected){ $this->error("Socket error. Cannot send data on a closed socket."); return; } $vWrite = array($this->hnd); $vRead = null; $vExcept = null; $WriteTimeOut = strlen($iTimeOut) ? $iTimeOut : $this->iWriteTimeOut; while(($rr = socket_select($vRead, $vWrite , $vExcept, $WriteTimeOut))===FALSE); if($rr==0) return; $tmpBuf = strlen($sBuf) ? $sBuf : $this->sBuffer; $iBufLen = strlen($tmpBuf); $res = socket_send($this->hnd,$tmpBuf,$iBufLen,0); if($res === FALSE){ $this->error(); }elseif ($res < $iBufLen){ $tmpBuf = substr($tmpBuf,$res); $this->send($tmpBuf); } } /** * Send alias * * @param string $sBuf * @param int $iTimeOut */ public public function write($sBuf,$iTimeOut=null){ return $this->send($sBuf,$iTimeOut); } /** * Read data from socket * * @param int $iTimeOut * @return string */ public public function recv($iTimeOut=null){ if(!$this->bConnected){ $this->error("Socket error. Cannot read any data on a closed socket."); return; } $vSocket = array($this->hnd); $this->sBuffer = null; $buf = null; $iBufLen = 4096; $ReadTimeOut = strlen($iTimeOut) ? $iTimeOut : $this->iReadTimeOut; $vWrite = null; $vExcept = null; try { while(($rr = socket_select($vSocket, $vWrite, $vExcept,$ReadTimeOut))===FALSE); if($rr==0) return; $res = socket_recv($this->hnd,$buf,$iBufLen,0); while($res){ $this->sBuffer .= $buf; $buf = null; while(($rr = socket_select($vSocket, $vWrite, $vExcept,$ReadTimeOut))===FALSE); if($rr==0) break; $res = socket_recv($this->hnd,$buf,$iBufLen,0); } }catch (Exception $e){ $this->error(); } return $this->sBuffer; } /** * Recv alias * * @param int $iTimeOut * @return string */ public public function read($iTimeOut=null){ return $this->recv($iTimeOut); } /** * Send data and wait response * * @param string $sBuf * @return string */ public public function sendandrecive($sBuf){ $this->send($sBuf); return $this->recv(); } } ?>