Boa tarde,
Uso Firebird 2.5.5.
Tenho hoje meus bancos em character set ISO8859_1 com collation PT_BR (Brazilian Portuguese ci, ai);
Quero mudar para UTF8.
E via estas recomendações:
"A note on the UTF8 collations
The UCS_BASIC collation sorts in Unicode code-point order: A, B, a, b, á… This is exactly the same as UTF8 with no collation specified. UCS_BASIC was added to comply with the SQL standard.
The UNICODE collation sorts using UCA (Unicode Collation Algorithm): a, A, á, b, B…
UNICODE_CI is truly case-insensitive. In a search for e.g. ‘Apple’, it will also find ‘apple’, ‘APPLE’ and ‘aPPLe’.
UNICODE_CI_AI is accent-insensitive as well. According to this collation, ‘APPEL’ equals ‘Appèl’."
Qual collation os colegas recomendam?
Fiz testes e gostei da ordenação e busca com o UNICODE_CI_AI (All ci, ai).
É este que vocês usam e o que gera menos problemas?