Eis o código
* Processamento Principal da Carga do Excel
//===== Realiza o chamado da biblioteca PHPExcel, que esta incluida no SC
//===== Variavel que possui o endereço do Planilha
$rutaXLS = $_SESSION['scriptcase']['controlCargaExcel']['glo_nm_path_doc'].'/'.{arquivo};
//===== Carga do Arquivo informado
//===== Leitura das linhas do Excel
foreach ($objPHPExcel->getWorksheetIterator() as $worksheet){
//===== Ttitulo da Celula do Excel
$worksheetTitle = $worksheet->getTitle();
//===== Quantidade de Linhas
$highestRow = $worksheet->getHighestRow();
//===== Quantidade de Colunas
$highestColumn = $worksheet->getHighestColumn();
//===== iremos acessar a linha que tem informações, iniciar pela linha 2
//===== linha 1 contem o cabeçalho
for ($row=1;$row<= $highestRow; ++ $row){
//===== Coluna A
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (0, $row);
$colunaA = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna B
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (1, $row);
$colunaB = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna C
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (2, $row);
$colunaC = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna D
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (3, $row);
$colunaD = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna E
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (4, $row);
$colunaE = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna F
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (5, $row);
$colunaF = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna G
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (6, $row);
$colunaG = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna H
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (7, $row);
$colunaH = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna I
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (8, $row);
$colunaI = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna J
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (9, $row);
$colunaJ = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna K
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (10, $row);
$colunaK = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna L
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (11, $row);
$colunaL = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna M
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (12, $row);
$colunaM = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna N
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (13, $row);
$colunaN = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna O
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (14, $row);
$colunaO = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna P
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (15, $row);
$colunaP = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna Q
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (16, $row);
$colunaQ = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna R
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (17, $row);
$colunaR = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna S
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (18, $row);
$colunaS = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna T
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (19, $row);
$colunaT = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna U
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (20, $row);
$colunaU = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna V
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (21, $row);
$colunaV = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna W
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (22, $row);
$colunaW = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna X
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (23, $row);
$colunaX = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna Y
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (24, $row);
$colunaY = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna Z
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (25, $row);
$colunaZ = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna AA
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (26, $row);
$colunaAA = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna AB
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (27, $row);
$colunaAB = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna AC
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (28, $row);
$colunaAC = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna AD
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (29, $row);
$colunaAD = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna AE
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (30, $row);
$colunaAE = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna AF
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (31, $row);
$colunaAF = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna AG
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (32, $row);
$colunaAG = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna AH
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (33, $row);
$colunaAH = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna AI
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (34, $row);
$colunaAI = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna AJ
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (35, $row);
$colunaAJ = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna AK
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (36, $row);
$colunaAK = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna AL
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (37, $row);
$colunaAL = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna AM
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (38, $row);
$colunaAM = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna AN
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (39, $row);
$colunaAN = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna AO
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (40, $row);
$colunaAO = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna AP
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (41, $row);
$colunaAP = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna AQ
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (42, $row);
$colunaAQ = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna AR
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (43, $row);
$colunaAR = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna AS
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (44, $row);
$colunaAS = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna AT
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (45, $row);
$colunaAT = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna AU
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (46, $row);
$colunaAU = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna AV
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (47, $row);
$colunaAV = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna AW
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (48, $row);
$colunaAW = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna AX
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (59, $row);
$colunaAX = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna AY
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (50, $row);
$colunaAY = $cell ->getValue();
//===== Coluna AZ
$cell = $worksheet -> getCellByColumnAndRow (51, $row);
$colunaAZ = $cell ->getValue();
$insert_sql = "INSERT INTO timbr (colunaA, colunaB, colunaC, colunaD, colunaE, colunaF, colunaG, colunaH, colunaI, colunaJ, colunaK, colunaL, colunaM, colunaN, colunaO, colunaP, colunaQ, colunaR, colunaS, colunaT, colunaU, colunaV, colunaW, colunaX, colunaY, colunaZ)
VALUES ('$colunaA', '$colunaB', '$colunaC', '$colunaD', '$colunaE', '$colunaF', '$colunaG', '$colunaH', '$colunaI', '$colunaJ', '$colunaK', '$colunaL', '$colunaM', '$colunaN', '$colunaO', '$colunaP', '$colunaQ', '$colunaR', '$colunaS', '$colunaT', '$colunaU', '$colunaV', '$colunaW', '$colunaX', '$colunaY', '$colunaZ')";
Ele importa as colunas e linhas acima, mas fica esse erro no debug e não consigo adicionar novas colunas para importação
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘s - PRINT ABAIXO)’)’ at line 2
ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO timbr (colunaA, colunaB, colunaC, colunaD, colunaE, colunaF, colunaG, colunaH, colunaI, colunaJ, colunaK, colunaL, c..., false) % line 1149, file: [adodb.inc.php](file:///C:/Program%20Files/NetMake/v9-php73/wwwroot/scriptcase/prod/third/adodb/adodb.inc.php) ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO timbr (colunaA, colunaB, colunaC, colunaD, colunaE, colunaF, colunaG, colunaH, colunaI, colunaJ, colunaK, colunaL, c...) % line 2680, file: [controlCargaExcel_apl.php](file:///C:/Program%20Files/NetMake/v9-php73/wwwroot/scriptcase/app/webinarCargaExcel/controlCargaExcel/controlCargaExcel_apl.php) controlCargaExcel_apl.m_php_cargaExcel() % line 1734, file: [controlCargaExcel_apl.php](file:///C:/Program%20Files/NetMake/v9-php73/wwwroot/scriptcase/app/webinarCargaExcel/controlCargaExcel/controlCargaExcel_apl.php) controlCargaExcel_apl.Valida_campos(null, null, null) % line 1132, file: [controlCargaExcel_apl.php](file:///C:/Program%20Files/NetMake/v9-php73/wwwroot/scriptcase/app/webinarCargaExcel/controlCargaExcel/controlCargaExcel_apl.php) controlCargaExcel_apl.controle() % line 2046, file: [index.php](file:///C:/Program%20Files/NetMake/v9-php73/wwwroot/scriptcase/app/webinarCargaExcel/controlCargaExcel/index.php)