Como fazer essa procedure no MYSQL

declare variable valor1 float;
declare variable valor2 float;
for select cod, nome from lavadores into cod_lav, nome_lav
do begin
select sum(d.vlr_lav1) from dados_mov d, movimento m
where d.cod_mov=m.cod and d.cod_lav1=:cod_lav and m.dt_mov between :vdata1 and :vdata2 into valor1;
if (valor1 is null) then valor1 = 0;
select sum(d.vlr_lav2) from dados_mov d, movimento m
where d.cod_mov=m.cod and d.cod_lav2=:cod_lav and m.dt_mov between :vdata1 and :vdata2 into valor2;
if (valor2 is null) then valor2 = 0;
COMISSAO = :valor1 + :valor2;

select sum(v.valor) from vale v where v.cod_lav=:cod_lav and v.dt_vale between :vdata1 and :vdata2 into vale;
if (vale is null) then vale = 0;
receber = COMISSAO - VALE;